Friday, February 8, 2013

February Sale on Signal 8 Press/Typhoon Media e-books!

I just received word from Typhoon Media, Ltd., a publisher out of Hong Kong, that they are putting up their e-books on a sale this month! Here's the details:

We are having an e-book sale during the month of February.  All of our Signal 8 Press imprint's e-books are now US$1.99 at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Omnilit. (Please note that Amazon charges an extra US$2.00 per book outside of the usual Kindle store countries, so some people will see the prices listed as $3.99.  A way around this is to buy the Kindle-format e-books via Omnilit instead of Amazon.)  This is our first time running a sale like this, and we're already off to a strong start. 

I have linked to their main page above in their name, and on their logo, and finally right here. Please go and check out their available e-books, see if there is anything you might like!


  1. Interesting! I never knew about Omnilit - I'll google it now. Thanks!

    1. I don't remember from my previous visits, and I didn't look around much when I linked it this morning, but I imagine that the Typhoon Media site I liked will have a link in to Omnilit. Thanks for dropping in!


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